Acupuncture is renowned for it's ability to alleviate pain and a multitude of other conditions. at natural state acupuncture we specialize in Facial Rejuvenation. Our holistic approach to beauty allows for long-term results and helps address underlying causes of aging and blemishes, such as hormonal imbalances, stress, ‘stuck’ emotions, nutritional deficits, toxins and more. We believe feeling and looking your best often go hand in hand.
Facial Acupuncture and microneedling can improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, as well as the overall texture and health of the skin. During your facial rejuvenation appointment we may utilize a combination of constitutional acupuncture, microneedling, cupping, guasha/'scraping’ and microcurrent.
At Natural State Acupuncture we believe stress management is at the heart of healing. We utilize a multitude of techniques to help your body return to a calmer, more restorative state. With diet, lifestyle and mindfulness techniques we equip you with tools to cope with chronic stress.
Our Acupuncturist also has extensive experience in treating pain, mental health/emotional well-being (depression, anxiety, sleep issues) women's health and neurological conditions.